nedelja, 23. december 2018

Lisztomania - The Best of 2018, part II.

Hey, look! Someone decided to talk again. About usual nonsense she usually talks about to herself, but this time she's going public. And making an idiot out of herself again. She's quite prone to do so, so she doesn't really care anymore.

As I have already stated yesterday, 2018 was a really good year for awesome music you don't hear on the radio. If you're lucky, you can't even stream it from the internet. That's the best kind of music there is, the one very few know about. In my personal opinion that kind of music expresses much more than stuff that's availiable to everyone at any given time. You're not suppose to own it, you're supposed to feel it. And if you feel it, it will stay with you longer than any record or playlist will. It becomes one of those things that changes your life and your way of thinking.

Before I get into explaining  metanoia to all of you (which I don't really want to do and most of all, I'm sure you don't want to read about it), let us share a couple of words on some of the records that I loved in 2018. Again, you're always welcome to comment on the post and let me know what else I can delve into, what i have missed or overlooked or something that you think I should like just because you find it fascinating. Let's go!

16.2. Chaos Echoes – Mouvement (blackened jazz, Francija)
I fell in love with the gloomy sound they used on their first record, so this one was maybe a bit too upbeat for me. Don't get me wrong, this is not a happy record, it wasn't meant to be happy. It's just happier than I imagined it would be.

16.2. Harakiri for the Sky – Arson (post metal, Avstrija)
At the moment of it's release, this album was something I needed. My mind is a dark place I rarely leave (I need a good reason to do so and I'm usually unable to find one to help me leave for a couple of moments), so this was quite the soundtrack my mind was looking for. But, to remain honest, I don't listen to it as much as I did at that point. I managed to find even darker, more soothing sounds for my mind.

17.2. Windswept – Visionaire EP (atmospheric BM, Ukrajina)
Yes, I am one of those people. One of those who will love everything this guy is involved in. not for the sake of a so-called 'personal cult', but for the sound he is capable of creating and this sound spans through all of his projects, no matter how different they are.

19.2. Arkhtinn – VI (atmospheric BM, ПРАВА Коллектив)
16.11. Arkhtinn - 最初の災害 (ПРАВА Коллектив)
To continue the 'anti personal cult' rant I started under the previous link, I know nothing about this and the next band on the list you're currently reading. Because it's not even important. This and the next band on the list (and another two which we'll mention in a later post) belong to something  called Prava Kollektiv... and that's basically everything we know about them.

19.2. Mahr – Antelux (atmospheric BM, ПРАВА Коллектив)
There have been suggestions claiming these bands share members, where they are from and so on. But that's actually something that people shouldn't care about. If they are musicians, they talk to you through their music. This album is one hell of an example. I do suggest you listen to this in the dark, preferably through the speakers and not headphones.

23.2. Esoctrilihum – Pandaemothium (Forbidden Formulas to awaken the Blind Sovereignes of Nothingness) (blackened death metal, Francija)
19.10. Esoctrilihum – Inhuma (blackened death metal, Francija)
The debut was a serious kick in the teeth and as soon as the consequences started to wear off, there came the sophmore to finish the work in the majestic way.

9.3. Drudkh – They often see dreams about the Spring (atmospheric BM, Ukrajina)
Read the explanation under the Windswept post. I'm not going to be a name-dropper. Those of you who know apparently understand who and what I'm talking about.

15.3. Grave Upheaval – (Untitled) (angry cave sounds, Avstralija)
'Wait, that's their old record?'
'No, that's the new one!'
'But that one had the same title!'
'...and the title says 'untitled'...'
'Why would they do this?'
'What would the name of the record tell you?'
'What I can expect from it, for instance...'
'No, the element of surprise is a better idea... if the name of the band doesn't tell you everything you need to know...'
Besides an outake of an discussion I had with someone who was willing to listen to me talk about music, someone else stated the genre of this music is called 'Angry Cave Sounds'. Because obvious is apparently too obvious for people to notice.

20.3. Et Moriemur – Epigrammata (atmospheric doom, Češka)
While some poeople are still arguing about whether this is atmospheric doom or death doom or something completely unspecified, it can be said all of the above are correct. And all of the above are wrong. All I can say to it is the fact that I like how the voices fit together with the music. A lot of people nowdays are not so keen on combining the two, so finding a gem like this one is a rare occasion. It also shows I have a huge soft spot for good clean vocals in men.

23.3. Ddent – Toro (post metal, Francija)

23.3. Sunnata – Outlands (ritual grunge, Poljska)
I'm still searching the name of the genre these guys are playing... the names of genres tend to get more and more complicated and less descriptive. or they are actually more descriptive but we (people in general) tend to complicate things much more than they really are.

26.3. Cult of Fire – Kali Fire Puja (live) (gimme, gimme, gimme, Češka)
This is one of those bands that will make an absolute idiot out of me with every single release they put out (and their masterminds side projects I'll talk about in a later post) and I will absolutely love it. While I haven't witnessed them live yet, this is the closest I can get to it right now. Because I don't want to make an idiot out of myself in public (any more than I already have) this is also the only way I should be allowed to witness their performances.

31. 3. Danaknernacht - ...And the Knives cut down the Weak (BM, international)
29.6. Danaknernacht – The Wind of hate Arises (BM, International)
Maybe you have noticed in the introduction to todays post, but if you haven't, I'll have to specifically point out that I'm not really a fan of CDs. I'm a sucker when it comes to vinyl and especially to audio tapes. This was introduced to me by the video found on youtube that contained only one song. If I tell you it took me exactly 19 seconds of listening to it before actually ordering both of them online, you'll understand why I said you need to feel it. This one drills a hole in your brain.

That's the end of part two, but the end is still very far away.

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