sreda, 26. december 2018

Lisztomania - The Best of 2018, part V.

While struggling to write short descriptions of the best albums in the year 2018 (allegedly, that's what I've been doing lately), I realised how breathtakingly useless this whole thing is as there are people out there still listening to christmas music (that torment started with August, while christmas movies have been on tv since July). Most of them are forced into it (retail workers), but some are delighted to do so (I hope there is a special circle in hell just for them).

This could be the last part, but obviously it isn't (I'm apparently way too dense to just stop). Too much amazing music for someone with a severe case of lisztomania. Or just another case of a year being way too long.

10.9. Goat Sperm – Voice in the Womb (black / death, Ukraine)

Very little bands with 'Goat' in their name tend to disappoint if you haven't noticed.

14.9. Witch King – Voice of the Ossuary (black / death metal, USA)

17.9.Eternal Rot – Cadaverine (death / doom, Poland / United Kingdom)

One of those releases, you think will be interesting because of the cover picture and in no time you're running around wondering when has the portal to hell opened up and swallowed you.

21.9. Cosmic Void Ritual – Grotesque Infections of Planetary Divide (death metal turned inside out, USA)

28.9. Dakhma – Hamkar Atonement (black / death, Switzerland)

18.10. Bog Body – Through the Burial Bog (black / death / doom, USA)

As I first heard this album in the begining of December, it got a consecutive number 69 (it was the 69th album in the year 2018 that got on the 'The Best of' list) and it talks about cadavers. Is there anything else a girl could wish for? Probably a cold beer, but let's not complicate things, okay?

19.10. Voidhaven – s/t (EP) (death doom, Germany)

'Mmmm, this is nice, feels like floating... What the hell? Eeeww, this one has clean vocals! I hate clean vocals!... Wait, these are good... they remind me of the best clean vocals from last year... Very similar, maybe too much, really... Oh, for fuck sake, woman, it's the same voice!'
*to solve this mystery: if you'll like the combination of amazing music and even better clean vocals in this album, go pay attention to Fvneral Fvkk and you'll see how confused my head was at that point.

26.10. Krukh - БЕЗГЛУЗДІСТЬ! (BM, USA)

26.10. Hissing – Permanent Destitution (black / death metal, USA)

1.11. Necroholocaust – Laudem Antichristus (black / death metal, Canada)

16.11. VoidSphere – To Await I To Expect (Prava Kollektiv, X)

16.11. HWWAUOCH Hwwauoch (Prava Kollektiv, X)

Another two releases from the amazing, yet mysterious Prava Kollektiv (I tried to talk about them previously). This is a sophmore release for VoidSphere. Last year they released a debut and until this year they evolved into their sophmore release. Both releases work so well together, they could be mistaken for a two part album, while both work perfectly fine on their own. Put your headphones on, turn off the light and enjoy.
On the other side, Hwwauoch are just introducing theirself to the world. Again, I know nothing about this band, except the fact that they sound like tormented souls trapped in hell. Dark, scary, dissonant, disturbing... Love at first hearing.

24.11. Death Karma – The History of Death and Burial Rituals pt. II (sex for ears, Czech Republic)

 I don't think I should describe the music one of my favorite bands made. Obviously I won't be objective enough. I'll just tell you the songs are based (like the title says) on interesting rituals asociated with death and burial in diferent cultures around the world. If that's not enough for you to make you listen to them, you're obviously in the wrong place.

It said 'sex for ears' which obviously means I should go do something else. Got any Ideas what I left out? Let me know until the next time... because we're not done yet.

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