sobota, 22. december 2018

Lisztomania - The Best of 2018, part I.

 Even if you're not keen on celebrating new year (because, let's be honest... we've always stayed the same assholes we've always been and no new year resolutions ever cann change that) or you're one of those who claim they are one of the good guys, just to get a present from a suspicious guy in a red suit (if you haven't noticed, some of us hate christmas, because it's not even about some imaginary guys birthday anymore, it's just about who is spending more money they don't have  to buy shit  they don't need to impress similar assholes they don't even like), you  probably noticed the end of the year lists everyone started to post lamost everywhere they can. This is also one of those. Mostly because 2018 was a really good year for awesome  music.

Going through over 1700 albums, EPs, splits and whatnot this year (not all of them were from this year because I'm years behind with my catching up), this list represents a part of the absolutely best of the year 2018. Albums that made my depressed ass happier, my anxious side calmer, the ones that made me think and create and most importantly, the ones that kept me sane.

I won't describe links individually, I'll just let the music speak for itself. And of course, you are always welcome to tell me what I've missed or what I could also listen to.   

By the way, this is my first attempt writing a blog post in English, so my Engish could end up being disastrous... or that's just a trick to make you think about what I tried to explain. Your choice.

2.1. Iteru – Ars Moriendi (death doom, Belgium)
Never ever start a New Year with something fast because the rest of the year will never live up to it. Start it with something slow, appropriate to listen to while you are still hungover and trying to prepare for work that is approaching.

3.1. Methgoat – Demo 2018 (how do I describe this awesomeness???, USA)
This demo actually hit me right after I got home from my middle of nowhere vacation and it was the exact thing I needed to get back on track with this co called 'real life'. Getting back to reality always feels like somebody drove over you several times, but at least you can have good soundtrack to it.

12.1. Hamferð – Tamsins Likam (doom metal, Faroe Islands)
I've never been to Faroe Islands so I have no clue how life there looks like (pics on the internet are usually quite deceiving. Music on this album will paint you the picture of the surroundings if you'll just pay good attention to it.

15.1. Gnaw Bone – Scorched Earth (blackened doom, USA)
By this time I figured out the year is not going to be any better than any previous one was and also cured myself of the horrible too-much.people-over holidys-hangover. But, it's always good to have an amazing soundtrack when you're thinking about how much you hate everyone, right?

19.1. Yhdarl – Loss (drone / doom / Black, Belgium)

19.1. Vessel of Inquity – s/t (black / death / noise, Great Britain) 

26.1. Hooded Menace – Ossuarium Silhouettes Unhallowed (death doom, Finland) 
During the summer I met a guy online and he desperately tried to convince me Hooded Menace were a horrible band. Quite obviously, he's not my friend anymore. His opinion on this band is actually almost as disgusting as his online harrassement.

26.1. Tribulation – Down Below (Blackened glam metal, Sweden)

26.1. Portal – Ion (extremely extreme, Australia)
There's two types of people in the world: Those who love Portal and those who are wrong. Which group do you belong to?

26.1. Orphaned Land – Unsung prophets and Dead Messiahs (oriental metal, Israel)

30.1. Ulvegr – Vargkult (BM, Ukraine) 

2.2. Emperor of Larvae – Xerul (black / death / doom, Belgium)
15.12. Emperor of Larvae – Xerul pt. II: Reunion
The first double hit from the same band this year. It should be described in two different posts, but both parts go together perfectly.

10.2. Master's Hammer – Fascinator (If I need to introduce you to Master's Hammer, you probably have no business being here, Czech Republic)

That's it for today, but as I already told you, 2018 was a good year for amazing music, I'll be back soon with part 2 and more.

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