torek, 25. december 2018

Lisztomania - The Best of 2018, part IV.

Allegedly, some of you celebrated something today. But in my honest opinion doing something you do every day (cleaning, cooking and listening to people bitch about politics) is not something that should be done during the holidays, because those days are supposed to be different. Because of that I reckon today is a completely average day. I haven't done anything out of the ordinary today (even though I wanted to... and because I rarely get what I want, this is not the season to be jolly). Therefore, the new post of the best of music in 2018 is here, if you like it or not.

This post describes the summer season. In my opinion, the summer months are the time for live concerts, tours and festival appearances and less for relasing new stuff. That's why the summer is condensed into one part. Still, the summer releases are usually very strong. Listen to these if you haven't yet.

1.6. GraveCoven – Coughing Blood (black / death metal, USA)

It took awhile to get this thing properly released. Was it worth the wait? Let me tell you like this: the worst thing on this record is the cover of Bathorys 'Hades'. And that one was never meant to be a bad song. So yes, it was definitely worth the wait.

6.6. Jyotisavedanga – Thermogravimetry Warp Continuum (radiation of a massive black hole in the middle of an old, decaying galaxy somewhere in space, India / Ukraine / Russia)

The quasi-genre description says it all. The sound of a massive black hole radiation in the middle of an old decaying galaxy somewhere in space is probably the best way to describe this album. Massive, inevitable darkness. Exactly how music should sound these days. Absolute perfection. And by the way, this is their debut album.

6.6. Caveman Cult – Supremacia Primordial EP (black / death metal, USA)

I don't think I've ever heard a band that fits its name as good as this one does. Modern education teaches us the cavemen were not in particularly intelligent, but still they were capable of hunting down a woolly mammoth for food. Most men these days are afraid of spiders, so you can't expect them to hunt down something for food (just to remind you, poachers are scum, they don't hunt for food, they hunt for money). Most of modern men don't even know where sandwiches live. You see the problem?
That's why this band deserves to have the word cult in their name. But it's still funny to imagine the original cavemen playing something similar to this EP and animals just falling down dead. And no, no animals have been hurt while I had this sick idea in my head.

6.6. Crurifragium – Black seed of Bestiality (black / death, USA)

15.6. Chthe'illist – Passage into the Xexanotth (black / death metal, Canada)

15.6. Goat Disciple – Wolfcult Domination EP (war metal, USA)

15.6. Blasphamagoatachrist – Black Metal Warfare (The band name is a combination of the names of other bands members also play in... if you haven't noticed)

The name gives a hint about what's about to happen here. Blasphemy? Check! Goatpenis? Check! Antichrist? Check! It doesn't need a long introduction. If you know the these bands, you'll know what to expect. And that's what you'll get. Multiplied by at least three.
If, by any chances you don't know these bands, you've been living under a rock. Or perhaps in a church. And I really can't help you with that.

26.6. Slidhr – The Futile Fires of Man (black / death metal, Iceland / Ireland)

21.7. Aparthiva Raktadhara – Agyat ishvar (black / Death, India)

More and more amazing bands are peeking out of the Indian underground to come marching over countries who have reigned in extreme metal until now.
Many years ago, during my college days I had an interesting conversation with a friend who later became a catholic priest. He actually wanted to know what kind of music I listened to (not the one people thought I listened to... that's a very long story and I'm not going to explain it here) and after a couple of beers we came to conclusion that the most brutal bands come from countries where religious beliefs are forced onto people (it doesn't matter what country or what religion we mentioned, we always came to the same conclusion). Today this band is a perfect example of that. They respect what they have been taught, but they also see the dark side of it. Something believers of any religion are not capable of doing when it comes to their own beliefs.

27.7. Bloodsoaked Necrovoid – Demo I (angry cave being angry, Costa Rica)

8.8. Genocide Shrines – Ceylonese Terror Attack (live album) (black / death metal, Sri Lanka)

Witnessing only a couple of minutes of this live attack by this legendary band is enough to convince someone as broke as me to buy the whole album. 

5.9. SEKH – Acephale (experimental death doom, Spain)

I actually went on vacation in the second half of August and returned just in time to witness the premiere of this gem. But wait, there's only one song on it. Is it a single? It could also be an EP as the song is 17+ minutes long. Is there another song to this 'album'? Get your shit together woman, you're barely capable to stay sane during this one.

7.9. Malthusian – Across deaths (black / death, Ireland)

Another one of those eagerly awaited releases. Also, finally a debut album from this band. They introduced this output in an interesting way, saying 'It’s not that the Irish are cynical. It’s rather that they have a wonderful lack of respect for everything and everybody.' (B. Behan). The rest is up to you.

7.9. Morne – To the Night Unknown (sludge / post metal, USA)

While I loved Morne since the first time I heard them, I have been very sceptical about this album. For some reason I was convinced they will never be able to write an album in the lines of their previous effort Asylum. That album contains my personal favorite song by them and I was hoping the band will continue writing stuff similar to it. When I hope for something like this to happen, it never does. So when it was finally released, I was surprised it sounded much better than what I expect them to sound while not sounding like I hoped them to sound. (there'a a huge difference between something you hope for and something you expect, get those straight and then we'll talk).

Had enough? Apparently not, there's more to come... soon. You should be afraid. 
Until the next time tell me what I've missed or tell me what you think I could listen to, I'm always happy to get suggestions.

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