ponedeljek, 24. december 2018

Lisztomania - The Best of 2018, part III.

Back with the third part of the years best of music. I'm running out of words and ideas how to describe things. To be honest, I rarely know how to do that. When it comes to music, if I say something is sexy, that means the song / album / whatever is above the whole describing-with-words thing. And yes, that's why I'd describe most of the things on my list this way.

But, funny enough that's not the main reason why I don't describe each link separately. If I like something, I like and most of the time I don't even know why. I just do. I don't describe links because you should be the one listening to them and not me. I already did that. That's why I made the list. It's not nuclear physics to be honest.

To start the todays post, I'm going to begin with a bang.

1.4. Abyssal & Carcinoma – Apanthropinization (split EP) (doesn't matter, I'm screaming, you can't stop me, Velika Britanija)
To explain the screaming part where the genre should be: I hate when people stare at me or talk to me. I hate talking and I don't even want people to pay attention to me. That's why I only scream if I have an incredibly good reason for it. One of my favorite bands ever making a split with the band that lended them musicians for their first live performance ever (that happened in Iceland this year)? Damn right I'm going to scream my lungs out. Sounds confusing? Just listen to this absolute gem.

2.4. Kroda – Selbstwelt (BM, Ukraine)

10.4. Alkymist – Spellcraft Ceremony (BM, Canada)

20.4. Dark Buddha rising – II (experimental, Finland)

20.4. Summon – Parazv II Zilittv (black / death metal, Portugal)
Anoter one of those 'drilling through your skull' albums. Like that's a bad thing...

20.4. Vomitor – Pestilent Death (death thrash, Australia)

20.4. Dagger Lust – Siege Bondage Adverse to the Godhead (black / death metal, USA)
And, we're here. If I wanted to make the best of the year as a countdown to the absolute album of the year, the whole thing would end here. This is it right here, the absolute top of 2018. I have no clue how to describe it (well, I do, but it would be considered unappropriate).

26.4. Kzohh – 26 (ambiental BM, Ukraine)
Two epic tracks dedicated to the Chernobyl disaster and to the deaths of nine Mansi hunters in 1959. I don't think you should ask for a longer explanation.

27.4. Midas Fall – Evaporate (dream rock, United Kingdom)
The list today seems to be getting more and more serious (some of you might even say brutal) with each release, but I don't want you to lose your focus, therefore I included this into the list. Probably one of the dreamiest releases this year. It was obvious I was going to put this on the list. Just because.

4.5. Adversvm – Aion Sitra Ahra (BM, Germany)
If I consider something to be really good, I usually have no clue about how to describe it. Want me to shut up? Play me something that will make me shut up.

4.5. Death. Void. Terror. – To the Great Monolith (death / black, International)
Read the Adversum description. It really is that simple.

11.5. Deiphago – Demo 2018 (Bestial BM, Costa Rica)

29.5. The Black Sorcery - ...And the Beast Spake Death from Above (BM, Canada)
Not too long ago, it has been said they are bringing a new album in 2019. Wanna bet that one will be on the list of the best of 2019?

31.5. Pneuma Hagion – Trinity (kompilacija demo posnetkov) (black / death metal, USA)

You know you're gonna love something when you hear the first couple of notes of that being played. Since 2015 I have included something from the Pneuma Hagion mastermind in every end of the year list. The demos in this collection have been published throughout 2015 separately, but this year they saw the light of the day together as a compilation. 

Do not despare, I'll be back soon. Until then, let me know  about what i've missed, what I could listen to, what your suggestions are or fight me about how wrong my opinions are. Or just come around to talk to me. Since I'm not very talkative in real life, there's a huge chance I won't respond.

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